Why we do things is sometimes more important than what we do or how we do it. This is my why.
​Over the past 15 years, I have had the privilege of working for, and with, about 100+ nonprofit organisations in Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America.
Along the route, I have met and worked with many truly inspirational people. People from all kinds of disciplines. From conflict resolution and environmental protection to science, healthcare, child protection and the arts. People with dreams. People who love what they do and make a difference, but struggle with securing the necessary resources. And not everyone sees the fun in fundraising (at first).
At the same time, I also encountered and connected with many potential partners for these nonprofits. Individuals, companies, foundations, private wealth managers and estate planners. People willing to contribute. Or with a dream of their own to give back to society and looking for the right partners to help them and have an impact.
There is another observation. A simple one. Too often, nonprofits and philanthropic investors don´t find each other. Or they meet but don´t connect. Or the connection doesn´t last. There are many reasons why this happens. Almost all preventable with the right support.
Providing that support is what I enjoy most because I believe that we can do better in fundraising and philanthropy. Why? The untapped potential for a positive impact on people and our planet from better fundraising and philanthropy is tremendous.
But there is more as to why I do this. Fundraising and philanthropy to me are an art and a science, but above all, a beautiful profession. The ability to find solutions and work on realising dreams for /with interesting people is a privilege. The energy and smiles when successfully connecting people. The (intellectual) challenges, the diversity of people, the constant learning. It´s all there. I love it.
I grew up in Panningen, a small village in Limburg, the Netherlands. Home is now in both Belgium and Spain (for the diplomatic career of my spouse).
I am a proud father of two beautiful kids. I enjoy good food, I am a whiskey & rum enthusiast, an adept fly/kayak fisherman, reader, fundraiser, donor and volunteer (for the past 20 years).
The book that impressed me most in recent years: ´Travellers in the Third Reich´ by Julia Boyd. ´´ Without the benefit of hindsight, how do you interpret what´s right in front of your eyes.´´