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Naturally, you like to know what someone's experience is before working with them.


​​​       4 the number of continents I worked on

      100+ the number of nonprofit organisations I worked with/for over the past 15 years


These are some of the achievements I am most proud of;

  • Belgium: Coordination and development of Het Atelier; a training and fundraising program for cultural institutions in Flanders and Brussels (2017 - 2019). Client: Flemisch Department of Culture, Media and Youth. Total participants: 82 organisations.

  • Belgium: Maak van Geven een Kunst: co-coordination for the production of 43 fundraising commercials for cultural institutions in Flanders and Brussels (2018). Very tight deadlines respected.

  • China: Co-Director for the EuropeAid co-funded programme ‘Strengthening Institutions’ (€ 660.333).   A national-level impact in China on the protection and care for children of convicts. Partner: Ministry of Social Affairs, P.R.C. External ROM evaluation (1 Sep 2014): very good (4/5), good (1/5).

  • Nigeria: Responsible for the successful organisation of a Dutch parliament commissioned Round Table on Good Governance in the Niger Delta (held in Port Harcourt, 22nd of March 2012). It was the first time that these high-level representatives of civil society organisations, international oil cooperations and the Nigerian government spoke with each other in the same room.

  • Various locations: the hundreds of smaller pieces of advice and solutions that allowed people and non-profit organisations to advance.

organisations i worked for/with

A selection of the organisations I work(ed) for in various capacities: River Cleanup vzw, Greenpeace The Netherlands, Morning Tears China & International Secretariat, Ghent University, Cardiovascular Center OLV Aalst, Mercy Ships, Flemish Department of Culture, Jeugd en Media, Opera Ballet Vlaanderen, Toneelhuis, MOOOV, Fashion Museum Antwerp, Compagnie Cecilia.


“This is a rare case of an NGO being able to influence policy making in China with the explicit agreement and benefit of the national and local authorities. The project constitutes an excellent model of good practice, particularly in four areas: (1) Partnership CSO-Government, (2) Understanding of how to do advocacy in China to positively influence policy and scaleable results, (3) Exceptional cost-effectiveness through the attraction of efforts from other partnerships and (4) Aid effectiveness directed to real impact and sustainable results for beneficiaries.” …  “The project is highly cost-effective. With a very small investment, the EU is able to obtain a quality and magnitude of results that would correspond to a much broader investment.” … “The project shows a very high degree of cost-effectiveness thanks to its ability to attract the will and resources of other actors”


Conclusions of the external monitoring of the EuropeAid co-funded project ‘Strengthening Institutions’ (2014)


My role: project co-director (the other co-director was the director of the Chinese Federal Ministry of Social Affairs)


As a family, we support amongst others the Dutch association for burn victims (Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting). We also support a number of local initiatives in Belgium and Panama.


I am volunteering for over twenty years now. My motivation: it makes a difference to people, it´s fun, a learning opportunity and it allows me to expand my horizons. Professionally it also helps me to better understand the nonprofit organisations I work for, as many are partially volunteer-driven. A selection:

2016 - Sep 2022: Vice-President of BeFamily, the Belgian Diplomatic Family Association (this is the association for partners and families of Belgian diplomats and members of the external career of the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs).

2010 – 2012: Member of the Dutch committee in Abuja, Nigeria


2010 - 2010: Organising committee member for a working visit/study trip to Estonia, Latvia and Russia for 40 young policy officers from the Ministry of Infrastructure & Environment, The Netherlands

2007 – 2010: Model United Nations

  • Secretary-General of the 3rd edition of Sofia International Model United Nations, (SOFIMUN), Sofia, Bulgaria

  • Secretary-General of the United Nations International Student Conference of Amsterdam (UNISCA), the Netherlands

  • Chair at Model United Nations conferences in Amsterdam, Zagreb and Sofia

  • 7x Delegate at UN simulations in Bonn (2x), Zagreb, Sofia, Milan, The Hague (2x)

2007 -2008: Wageningen University & Research

  • MSc. mentor at the annual introduction week of Wageningen


2001 – 2005: Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences

  • Co-President and Treasurer of the introduction committee

  • Member & Chair of the educational committee

  • Departmental student representative during an intense reorganization

  • Board of Appeal student member

  • Promotional activities for Larenstein (public speaking, presentations, fairs)

Connecting people, realising dreams.

Pontem BV (BE 0789.300.084

By Johannes (Hans) P.H. Lenders

Registered under Belgian law




Stevelberg 12
1541 Sint-Pieters-Kapelle (Pajottegem)

Legal / fiscal address  only



By appointment only. We live in Spain for my partner´s career.

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